Element on First

Element on First

Project details

Cancity Development Corp.

Scope of work:

  • Project Management & Safety
  • Health & Safety Planning & Implementation

Project Features:

  • 8-Storey mixed-used building
  • 32 spacious residential units & 2 CRUs
  • Private Rooftop Patio
  • Private Gym
  • Modernized Gazebo

Element on First was a leading waterfront residential property in Calgary’s Chinatown. Located along the Bow River and in the downtown core, each residential unit and retail shop have very magnificent view in the city.

Amidst the busy streets of Chinatown in Calgary with heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic, RPMI’s specialization in safety and project management was needed for the project’s success. This project demanded high level of safety standards since challenges of working within a close proximity of active business neighborhood cannot be eliminated.The limited storage space and high water level while working on underground parking were also dealt with during the course of the project.


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